반응공학, 나노미립자 제조 및 활용, 나노재료 화학공정, 플라즈마 공정 응용
2022.03 – 현재 강원대학교 화학공학과, 명예교수
1981.03. - 2022.02 강원대학교 화학공학과, 교수
2021.08. - 현재 Powders, Editor
2015.01. - 2020.12. 한국화학공학회 화학공학, 편집위원
2013.01. - 2014.12. 한국화학공학회 강원지부, 지부장
2008.01. - 2009.12. 한국화학공학회 미립자부문, 위원장
2006.03. - 2013.02. 강원대학교 Post-BK 사업팀, 팀장
2004.04. - 2006.04. 강원대학교 산업기술연구소, 소장
2003.02. - 2004.02. 미국 듀퐁 중앙연구소, 방문교수
1998.01. - 1998.02. 일본 큐슈대학교, 방문교수
1997.01. - 1997.02. 스위스 로잔공대, 방문교수
1993.08. - 1994.08. 일본 Hitachi 연구소, 방문연구원
1985.08. - 1989.02. Univ. of Cincinnati, TA & RA
1981.03. - 1985.07. 한국동력자원연구소, 연구원
교육 및 연구경력
[연구 실적]
118. Minh Hai Nguyen and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Controlling the grain formation process with oleyamin and 4-dimethylaminopyridine additives for efficient and stable MAPbI2 solar cells”, Materials Today Chemistry, 34, 101799 (2023.12.).
117. Hong Diu Thi Duong, Sang-Hyeok Yoon, Dung The Nguyen and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Magnetic heating of water dispersible and size-controlled superparamagnetic cobalt iron oxide nanoparticles", Powder Technology, 427, 118720 (2023.09.).
116. Hyeon Jin, Kyong Ku Yun, Ha Jin Choi and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Photochemical conversion of NOx in atmosphere by photocatalyst coated mortar”, Korea Chemical Engineering Research, 61(2), 240-246, (2023.05.).
115. Minh Hai Nguyen, Sang-Hyeok Yoon and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Surface modification of electron transport layers based on TiO2 nanorod boosts efficiency of perovskite solar cells”, AIChE J., 69(2), e17958 (2023.02.).
114. Hyeon Jin, Tae Min Lee, Ha Jin Choi and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Effects of process variables on NO conversion by double-layered photocatalytic mortar with TiO2 nanoparticles”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 117, 461-472, (2023.01.).
113. Sang-Hyeok Yoon, Minh Hai Nguyen and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Growth of nano-branches on 1-D WO3 nanotrees by flame process and its photoelectrochemical performances”, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 912, 165202, (2022.08.).
112. Huyen Dao Thi and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Behavior of cough droplets emitted from Covid-19 patient in hospital isolation room with different ventilation configurations”, Building and Environment, 209, 108649 (2022.02).
111. Minh Hai Nguyen, Sang-Hyeok Yoon and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Hydrothermally fabricated TiO2 heterostructure boosts efficiency of MAPbI3 perovskite solar cells”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 106, 382-392 (2022.02).
110. Minh Hai Nguyen and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Analysis on growth mechanism of TiO2 nanorod structures on FTO glass in hydrothermal process”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 104, 445-457, (2021) (December 25, 2021).
109. Hong Diu Thi Duong, Dung The Nguyen and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Effects of Process Variables on Properties of CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Prepared by Solvothermal Process", Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 3056; (November 13, 2021).
108. Sang-Hyeok Yoon and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Doping Mo on Tungsten Oxide Thin Film and PEC Measurement", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 21(9), 4813-4817, 2021 (September 1, 2021).
107. Hira Fatima, Tawatchai Charinpanitkul and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Fundamentals to apply magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia therapy", Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(5), 1203; (May 1, 2021).
106. Sang-Hyeok Yoon and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Preparation of 1-D nanostructured tungsten oxide thin film on wire mesh by FVD process", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 20 (7), pp4517-4520 (July 1, 2020).
105. Sang-Hyeok Yoon, T.Sadike, J.-R.Ding and K.-S.Kim, “Photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution with cobalt phosphate and BiVO4 modified 1-D WO3 prepared by flame vapor deposition”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 85, pp240-248 (May 25, 2020).
104. H. Shen, G. Liu, Y. Zhao, D. Li, J. Jiang, J. Ding, B. Mao, H. Shen, Kyo-Seon Kim, and W. Shi, “Artificial all-solid-state system by RGO bridged Cu2O and Bi2WO6 for Zscheme H2 production and tetracycline degradation”, Fuel, 259, (January 1, 2020), Article 116311.
103. J.-R.Ding and K.-S.Kim,“Control of MoOx nanostructures by flame vapor deposition process”, Chem. Eng. J., 375, 1-7 (2019.11.01.) Article 121955 (online press 2019.06.11.).
102. Sang-Hyeok Yoon, J.-R.Ding and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Changes of tungsten oxide nanostructures in flame vapor deposition process depending on process variables", Advanced Powder Tech., 30 (9), 1842-1847 (2019. 09).
101. Sang-Hyeok Yoon and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Control of 1-dimensionally structured tungsten oxide thin films by precursor feed rate modulation in flame vapor deposition", J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 73, 52-57 (2019.05.25.).
100. J.-R.Ding, Sang-Hyeok Yoon, Weidong Shi and K.-S.Kim, “Nanowire-based Branched Nanotrees Prepared by Flame Vapor Deposition System Incorporated with Double Wire Feeders”, AIChE J., 65 (4), 1138-1143 (2019.04.).
99. Un Seon Heo, Dong-Wook Kim, Kyo-Seon Kim and Dong-Wha Park, “A facile synthesis of anatase TiO2-graphene nanocomposites using plasma and heat treatment”, Applied Surface Science, 474, 118-126, (2019.04.30.).
98. T.Sadike, J.-R.Ding, K.-S.Kim and Dong-Wha Park, “Electrodeposition of Cobalt-Phosphate Oxygen Evolution Catalyst on Inert Electrode for Electrolysis”, J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 19 (2), 1006-1009 (2019.02.).
97. Hira Fatima and K.-S.Kim, “Iron-based Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Advanced Powder Technology, 29 (11), 2678-2685 (2018. 11).
96. Hira Fatima, Dae-Won Lee, Hyun Joong Yun and Kyo-Seon Kim "Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Different Iron Precursors and Capping Agents", RSC Advances, 8, 22917-22923 (2018.06).
95. Dong-Wook Kim, Un Seon Heo, Kyo-Seon Kim and Dong-Wha Park, “One-Step Synthesis of TiC/Multilayer Graphene Composite by Thermal Plasma”, Current Applied Physics, 18(5), 551-558 (2018.05).
94. J.-R.Ding, S.-H.Yoon and K.-S.Kim, “Effect of Deposition Height on Nanostructure of Tungsten Oxide Thin Films in Flame Vapor Deposition Process", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 18(3), 2231-2234 (2018.03).
93. Dae-Won Lee, Hira Fatima and Kyo-Seon Kim "Preparation of Silica Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bioseparation", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 18(2), 1414-1418 (2018.02).
92. J.-R.Ding and K.-S.Kim, “1-D WO3@BiVO4 Heterojunctions with Highly Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance", Chemical Engineering J., 334, 1650-1656, (2018.02.15.).
91. Dae-Won Lee, Hoang Hai Nguyen, Myeong-Ki So, In-Wook Nah, Dong-Wha Park and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Analysis of Gas-to-Liquid Phase Transformation of Hydrogen in Cryogenic Cooling Tube”, Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 56(1), 49-55 (2018.02).
90. Sang-Hyeok Yoon, Dong-Wha Park and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Preparation of WO3, BiVO4 and reduced graphene oxide composite thin films and their photoelectrochemical performances", Korean J. Chemical Engineering, 34(12), 3220-3225 (2017.12.).
89. H.H.Nersisyan, J.H.Lee, J.-R.Ding, K.-S.Kim, K.V.Manukyan and A.S.Mukasyan, “Combustion synthesis of zero-, one-, two- and three-dimensional nanostructures: Current trends and future perspectives", Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 63, pp79-118, (2017.07.).
88. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanostructures for Hyperthermia-Based Treatments", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 17, pp4257-4261 (2017.06.).
87. J.-R.Ding, S.-H.Yoon and K.-S.Kim, "Morphology Control of Tungsten Oxide Thin Films in an Aerosol Flame Deposition System", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 17, pp2780-2783 (2017.04.).
86. Hira Fatima and Kyo-Seon Kim, “Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bioseparation”, Korean J. Chemical Engineering, 34(3) pp589-599 (2017.3.1.).
85. J.-R.Ding and K.-S.Kim, "Rapid Growth of Vertically Aligned Tungsten Oxide Nanostructures by Flame Vapor Deposition Process", Chemical Engineering J., 300, pp 47-53 (2016.09.15).
84. D.T.Dung and K.-S.Kim, “Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Advances on Controlled Synthesis, Multifunctionalization and Biomedical Applications", Book Chapter Writing in "Advanced Magnetic and Optical Materials", pp 113-140, Wiley, Scrivener Publishing, (2016).
83. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Controlled Synthesis of Monodisperse Magnetite Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia-based Treatments", Powder Technology, 301, pp 1112-1118 (2016, 07.31).
82. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Controlled Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles on Titania Support", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 16(2), pp 2019-2023, (February 1, 2016).
81. J.-R.Ding and K.-S.Kim, "Flame Synthesized Single Crystal Nanocolumn-structured WO3 Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 16(2), pp 1578-1582, (February 1, 2016).
80. J.-R.Ding and K.-S.Kim, "Facile Growth of 1-D Nanowire-based WO3 Thin Films with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance", AIChE J., 62(2), pp 421-428, (February 1, 2016).
79. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Controlled magnetic properties of iron oxide-based nanoparticles for smart therapy", Kona Powder and Particle J., 33, pp33-47 (2016.01.08.).Doi:10.14356/kona.2016010Doi:10.14356/kona.2016010.
78. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Self-Development of Hollow TiO2 Nanoparticles by Chemical Conversion Coupled with Ostwald Ripening", Chemical Engineering J., 286, pp 266-271, (2016.02.15).
77. H.H.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Combination of plasmas and catalytic reactions for CO2 reforming of CH4 by dielectric barrier discharge process", Catalysis Today, 256, pp88-95 (2015.11.01).
76. H.H.Nguyen, A.Nasonova, I.W.Nah and K.-S.Kim, "Analysis on CO2 reforming of CH4 by corona discharge process for various process conditions", J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 32, pp 58-62 (2015.11.).
75. D.T.Nguyen, I.W.Nah and K.-S.Kim, "Preparation of Porous Nanostructures Controlled by Electrospray ", Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 53(5), pp627-631 (2015.11.).
74. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Structural Evolution of Highly Porous/Hollow ZnO Nanoparticles in Sonochemical Process", Chemical Engineering J., 276, pp11-19, (September 15, 2015).
73. A.Nasonova and K.-S.Kim, “Particle Coating by Rotating PCVD Reactor", Book Chapter Writing in "Comprehensive Guide for Nanocoatings Technology, Vol. 1, Deposition and Mechanism, Chapter 4", Elsevier, pp 71-96, (2015).
72. J.-H.Kim and K.-S.Kim, "Multicomponent Multiphase Underground Gas Model", Book Writing, DaHee Press, (2015.4.21).
71. J.-H.Cho et al., "Particle Technology", Book Writing, DongHwa Tech. Press (2015.3.10).
70. D.T.Nguyen, D.-W.Park, T. Kim and K.-S.Kim, "Controlled Synthesis of Magnetite Porous/Hollow Nanoparticles through a Template-Free Solvothermal Process", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 15(1), pp591-594, (January, 2015).
69. D.T.Nguyen, T.Charinpanitkul, D.-W.Park and K.-S.Kim, "Preparation of Magnetite Hollow Structure for Drug Delivery Application", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 14(10), pp7995-7999, (October 2014).
68. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical application", Korean J. Chemical Engineering, 81(8), pp1289-1305, (2014.08.01.).
67. A.Nasonova and K.-S.Kim, “Multifunctional particle coating by plasma process and its application to pollution control", RSC Advances, 4(56), pp29866-29876 (2014.07.).
66. D.T.Nguyen and K.-S.Kim, "Analysis on development of magnetite hollow spheres through one-pot solvothermal process", AIChE J., 59(10), pp 3594-3600, (2013.10.1.).
65. Dung The Nguyen and Kyo-Seon Kim,“Template-Free Synthesis and Characterization of Monodisperse Magnetite Hollow Nanoparticles through Solvothermal Process”, J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 13 (8), pp 5773-5776 (2013.08.01).
64. Hung-Cuong Pham and Kyo-Seon Kim,"Preparation of TiO2/SiOx Double-Layer Films on Glass Beads and Its Application to NO and SO2 Removal",J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 13 (8), pp 5568-5571, (2013.08.01).
63. A.Nasonova and K.-S.Kim, "Effects of TiO2 coating on zeolite particles for NO and SO2 removals by dielectric barrier discharge process", Catalysis Today, 211, pp90-95, (2013.08.01).
62. H. H. Nguyen, D.-J. Kim, D.-W. Park and K.-S. Kim, “Effect of Initial Precursor Concentration on TiO2 Thin Film Nanostructures Prepared by PCVD System”, J. Energy Chemistry, 22(3), pp 375-381, (2013.05.01).
61. Hung-Cuong Pham and Kyo-Seon Kim,"Effect of TiO2 Thin Film Thickness on NO and SO2 Removals by Dielectric Barrier Discharge-Photocatalyst Hybrid Process", Ind. & Enging. Chem. Research, 52 (15), pp 5296-5301 (2013.04.17.).
60. A.Nasonova and K.-S.Kim, "Analysis on Premixed Combustion of H2-CH4 Mixed Fuels for SiO2 Particle Preparation", Chemical Engineering J., 215-216, pp 389-395, (2013.01.15.).
59. D.-W. Kim, T.-H. Kim, S. Choi, K.-S.Kim and D.-W.Park, “Preparation of silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles using non-transferred arc plasma", Advanced Powder Technology, 23, pp 701-707 (2012.11).
58. N.Leelaviwat, S.Monchayapisut, C.Poonjarernsilp, K.Faungnawakij, Kyo-Seon Kim and T. Charinpanitkul,"Microwave-Induced Fabrication of Copper Nanoparticle/Carbon Nanotubes Hybrid Material", Current Applied Physics, 12, pp1575-1579 (2012.11).
57. J.Ding and K.-S.Kim,"Investigation on Flame Synthesis of TiO2 Thin Films with Controlled Morphology to Harvest Solar Energy", J. Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 7(5), pp 503-507 (2012.10).
56. S.Samal, D.-W. Kim, K.-S.Kim and D.W. Park,"Direct synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles by using solid-state precursor TiH2 powder in a thermal plasma reactor", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, pp1074-1081 (2012.8.).
55. J.Ding and K.-S.Kim,"Preparation of Nanostructured TiO2 Thin Films by Aerosol Flame Deposition Process", Korean J. Chemical Engineers, 29(1), pp54-58, (2012.01.).
54. A.Nasonova, D.-W.Park, T.Charinpanitkul and K.-S.Kim, "Numerical Analysis on Premixed Combustion of H2-SiCl4-Air System to prepare SiO2 Particles", J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 18(1),pp509-512 (2012.01.25).
53. H.C.Pham and K.-S.Kim,"Thin Film Coating of Particles through the plasma process", J. Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 6(3), pp264-267, (August 2011).
52. T.D.Nguyen, D.-H,Park and K.-S.Kim,"Seed-mediated synthesis of iron oxide and gold/iron oxide nanoparticles", J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 11, 7214-7217, August 2011.
51. T.D.Nguyen, D.J.Kim and K.-S.Kim,"Controlled synthesis and biomolecular probe application of gold nanoparticles", Micron, 42, pp207-227(2011.4.).
50. D.-J.Kim, H.C.Pham, D.-W.Park and K.-S.Kim,"Preparation of TiO2 Thin Films on Polypropylene Particles by a Rotating PCVD Process and Its Application to Organic Pollutant Removal", Chemical Engineeing J., 167(1), pp308-313 (2011.2.15).
49. A.Nasonova, H.C.Pham, D.-J.Kim, W-S.Kim, T.Charinpanitkul and K.-S.Kim, "Application of TiO2-Coated Alumina Beads to Dielectric Barrier Discharge-Photocastalyst Hybrid Process for NO and SO2 Removals", J. of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 11(2), pp1323-1327 (2011).
48. J.-M.Kim, S.-M.Chang, K.-S.Kim, M.-K.Chung and W.-S.Kim,"Acoustic Influence on Aggregation and Agglmeration of Crystals in Reaction Crystallization of Cerium Carbonate", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,375 (February), pp193-199 (2011).
47. T.Charinaitkul, K.Kanjanaprapakul, N.Leelaviwat, N.Kurukitkoson and K.-S.Kim, "Effect of arc current on characteristics of nanocarbons prepared by cryogenic arc discharge method", J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 16 (6), pp912-917(2010.11.)
46. W.-M.Jung, S.H.Kang,K.-S.Kim,W.-S.Kim and C.K.Choi,"Precipitation of calcium carbonate particles by gas-liquid reation: Morphology and size distribution of particles in Couette-Taylor and stirred tank reactors",Journal of Crystal growth,312(22), pp3331-3339 (2010).
45. A.Nasonova, D.-J.Kim, and K.-S.Kim, "Analysis on SO2 Removal and Ammonium Sulfate Particle Growth in Dielectric Barrier Discharge -Photocatalyst Hybrid Process", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49, 8821-8825(2010).
44. D.-J.Kim, J.-Y. Kang and K.-S.Kim,"Preparation of TiO2 Thin Films by a Rotating Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor", J. Industrial & Engineering Technology, available online July 15, 2010.
43. D.-J.Kim, H.C.Pham and K.-S.Kim,"Application of PCVD Process to Uniform Coating of TiO2 Thin Films on Polypropylene Beads", Surface Review and Letters, 17(3), pp329-335(2010)
42. D.-J.Kim and K.-S,Kim, "Prediction of TiO2 Thin Film Growth on the Glass Beads in a Rotating PCVD Reactor", J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(5), pp3211-3215 (2010)
41. J.-W.Park, D.-W. Kim, H.-S. Seon, K.-S.Kim and D.W.Park,"Synthesis of Carbon-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles Using CO2 Decomposition by Thermal Plasma", Thin Solid Films, 518, pp4113-4116 (2010).
40. D.-J.Kim, J.-Y. Kang and K.-S.Kim,"Coating of TiO2 Thin Films by Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition Process", Advanced Powder Technology, 21, pp136-140 (2010).
39. T.D.Nguyen, D.-J.Kim, M.G.So and K.-S.Kim,"Experimental Measurements of Gold Nanoparticle Nucleation and Growth by Citrate Reduction of HAuCl4", Advanced Powder Technology, 21, pp111-118 (2010).
38. A.Nasonova, P.H.Cuong, D.-J. Kim and K.-S.Kim, "NO and SO2 Removal in Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor Packed with Glass Beads-TiO2 Thin Film Coated by PCVD Process", Chemical Engineering J., 156(3), pp557-561 (2010).
37. D.-J. Kim, J.-O. Baeg, S.-J. Moon and K.-S. Kim, "Uniform Coating of TiO2 Thin Films on Particles by Rotating Cylindrical PCVD Reactor", J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9(7), pp4285-4292 (2009).
36. P. Sunsap, D.-J. Kim, T. Charinpanitkul and K.-S. Kim, "Particle Trajectories and Temperature Histories of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Diffusion Flame Reactor", J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,9(7), pp4259-4266 (2009).
35. J,M,Kim, S.M.Chang, S.K.Kim, K.-S.Kim, J.S.Kim and W.-S.Kim,"Design of SiO2/ZrO2 Core-Shell Particles using the Sol-Gel Process", Ceramics International, 35, pp1243-1247 (2009).
34. J,M,Kim, S.M.Chang, S.M.Kong, K.-S.Kim, J.S.Kim and W.-S.Kim,"Control of Hydroxyl Group Content in Silica Particle synthesized by the Sol-Precipitation Process", Ceramics International, 35, pp1015-1019 (2009)
33. A,Nasonova, D-J. Kim, K.-S. Kim, W.S.Kim and T.Charinpanitkul,,"Application of TiO2 Photocatalysts to NO and SO2 Removal in Dielectric Barrier Discharge Process", Journal of Korean Physical Society, 54(3), pp1042-1047 (2009).
32. J,M,Kim, S.M.Chang, S.M.Kong, J.-S.Kim, I.-H.Kim. K.-S.Kim and W.-S.Kim,"Method for Mono-dispersed Large Spherical Particle of Silica for LCD Spacer", Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, 492, pp 245-256(2008)
31. P. Sunsap, D.-J. Kim, and K.-S. Kim, "Fluid Dynamics and Particle Trajectories in Diffusion Flame Reactor to Synthesize TiO2 Nanoparticles", J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8(10), pp5030-5035 (2008).
30. D.-J. Kim and K.-S. Kim, "Evolution of Particle Size Distribution in Pulsed SiH4 Plasma Process" AIChE J., 54(10), pp2768-2772 (2008).
29. T.Charinaitkul, W.Tanthapanichakoon, P. Kulvanich, and K.-S.Kim,"Granulation and Tabletization of Phamaceutical Lactose Granules Prepared by a Top-Sprayed Fluidized Bed Granulator",J.Ind.Eng.Chem.,14(5), pp661-666(2008).
28. Kim,D.J. and K.-S.Kim, "Effect of Pulse Modulation on Particle Growth in SiH4 Plasma Process",Korean J. Chem. Eng., 25(4), pp939-946(2008).
27. Sunsap, D.-J. Kim, T. Charinpanitkul, W.-S. Kim and K.-S. Kim, "Computational Analysis on Fluid Dynamics during the Flame Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles", Journal of Korean Physical Society, 52(4), pp1298-1303 (2008).
26. D.-J. KIM, T. Charinpanitkul, W.-S. Kim and K.-S. Kim, "Numerical Analysis on Particle Growth in Pulsed SiH4 Plasma Process by Discrete-Sectional Method", Journal of Korean Physical Society, 52(4), pp1292-1297(2008).
25. P. Sunsap, D.-J. Kim and K,-S. Kim, "Characterization of TiO2 particles synthesized in diffusion flame reactor",Ind. & Eng. Chem. Research. 47(7), pp2308-2313(2008).
24. P. Sunsap, D.-J. Kim, T. Charinpanitkul and K.-S. Kim, "Analysis on preparation of TiO2 particles by diffusion flame reactor for photodegradations of phenol and toluene", Res. Chem. Intermed., 34(4), pp319-329(2008).
23. A. Nasonova, D.-J. Kim, W.-S. Kim and K.-S. Kim, “Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 in plasma reactor packed with TiO2-coated glass beads”, Res. Chem. Intermed., 34(4),pp309-318(2008).
22. Ungkoon,Y.,C.Sittipunt,P.Namprakai,W.Jetipattaranat,Kyo-Seon Kim and T.Charinpanitkul,"Analysis of Microstructure and Properties of Autoclaved Aerated Conclete Wall Construction",J. Ind.Eng.Chem.,13(7),pp1103-1108(2007).
21. Charinpanitkul,T.,K.Ruenjaikaen,P.Sunsap,A.Witzitamornkert and Kyo-Seon Kim, "Optical Transmission of Greenhouse Film Prepared from Composite of Polyethylene and Microsilica",J. Ind.Eng.Chem.,13(6),pp992-996(2007).
20. Kim,J.M.,S.M.Chang,I.H.Kim,Y.E.Kim,J.H.Hwang,Kyo-Seon Kim and W.S.Kim,"Design of Optimal Solvent for Extraction of Bio-active Ingredients from Mulberry Leaves",Biochemical Engineering J.,37,pp271-278(2007).
19. Kim,D.J., J.Y.Kang, A.Nasonova, K.S.Kim and S.J.Choi,"Numerical Simulation on Silane Plasma Chemistry in Pulsed Plasma Process to prepare a-Si:H Thin Films",Korean J. Chem. Eng, 24(1), pp154-164(2007).
18. Kim,D.J., A.Nasonova,J.H.Park, J.Y.Kang and K.S.Kim,"NOx and SOx Removal by Low Temperature Plasma-Photocatalysts Hybrid Systems",Materials Science Forum, 544-545,pp91-94(2007).
17. Kim,K.S. and D.J.Kim,"Analysis on Uniform Particle Coating by the Rotating Cylindrical PCVD Reactor",J. Aerosol Science, 37(11), pp1532-1544(2006).
16. Kim,K.S.,D.J.Kim and Q.Q.Zhao,"Numerical Analysis on Particle Coating by the Pulsed Plasma Process",Chemical Engineering Science, 61,pp3278-3289(2006).
15. Kim,D.J. and K.S.Kim,"Quantitative Analysis on the Growth of Negative Ions in Pulse Modulated SiH4 Plasmas", Ind.&Eng.Chem.Res.,44(21),pp7907-7915(2005).
14. Kim,D.J.,K.S.Kim, and Q.-Q.Zhao,"Production of Monodisperse Nanoparticles and Application of Discrete-Monodisperse Model in Plasma Reactors", J. Nanoparticle Research, 5, pp211-223(2003).
13. Kim,D.J. and K.S.Kim,"Analysis on Plasma Chemistry nd Particle Growth in Pulsed Corona Discharge Process for NOx Removal Using Discrete-Sectional Method",IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,31(2), 227-235(2003).
12. Kim,K.S.,D.J.Kim,J.H.Yoon,J.Y.Park,Y.Watanabe and M.Shiratani,"The Changes in Particle Charge Distribution during Rapid Growth of Particles in the Plasma Reactor",J. Colloid Interface Sci., 257, 195-207(2003).
11. Kim,D.J. and K.S.Kim,"Analysis on Nanoparticle Growth by Coagulation in Silane Plasma Reactor",AIChE J.,48(11),2499-2509(2002).
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[특허 등록]
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1. 나노미립자 제조 및 활용 기술,
2. 플라즈마 응용 기술,
3. 태양에너지 활용 및 물분해 수소 생산,
4. 지구온실 기체의 화학적 전환 기술 개발,
5. 광촉매 제조 및 응용 기술,
6. 비말에 의한 COVID-19 감염 전파 분석,
7. 광촉매 콘크리트에 의한 대기오염물 제어,
8. 생의학적 활용을 위한 나노미립자 제조